Call Taxi Service
- All Services
- Local Stores & Businesses
- Servicing - Repairing
- Event Management
- Legal-Lawyer Services
- Restaurants & Catering
- Astrology Consultancies
- Arts, Media & Entertainment
- Security Guard Services
- Financial Services
- Printing & Publishing
- Language Services
- Lessons - Academic, Arts, Sports
- Educational Services & Institutes
- Tours & Travels
- Hotels-Resorts
- Call Taxi Service
- Immigration Services
- Packers & Movers
- Shipping & Delivery
- Maid-Housekeeping
- Nanny-Babysitting
- Hospitals-Clinics-Laboratories
- Beauty & Fitness Services
- Pet Services
- Internet-Software Services
- Other Services
RideX Ltd as a dynamic Private Hire company, we boast more than a decade of experience providing exceptional transfer services to clients from all walks of life. Our expertise covers a wide range of nearby airports, stations, and local destinations. Rest assured that our personnel are highly trained, and our drivers undergo thorough vetting to ensure a world-class experience with utmost safety.
Dubai City, Sharjah SK6 2EG